
Monday, August 25, 2014

History of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pharmacy is derived from the word "PHARMACON" which means drug or poison. While understanding pharmacy is a profession in the field of health, which includes activities in the areas of discovery, development, production, processing, compounding, drug information and drug distribution.
Pharmaceutical Sciences originally developed from the doctors and traditional medicine are growing in Greece, the Middle East, Asia Minor, China, and other Asian Region. At first "medicine" is owned by a particular person by generations of his family. If you often watch Chinese movies, you definitely see a lot of the doctors who get their knowledge from the family for generations. That picture of "pharmaceutical science" in ancient China. If in Greece, which is usually regarded as a healer is pastor. In ancient Greek legend, Asclepius, god of Medicine commissioned Hygieia for dispensing a mixture of drugs that he has made. By mmasyarakatt Greece Hygiea called the pharmacist (English: apothecary). While in Egypt, paktek pharmacy work is divided into two, namely: That visiting the sick and working at the temple preparing medicinal concoction.

Books on obat2an material was first written in China around 2735 BC, then stood around 400 BC medical school in Greece. One of his students was a professional physician Hippocrates who puts on a high level of ethics. Pharmaceutical science is slowly growing. In the Arab world in the eighth century, the pharmaceutical sciences developed by Arab scientists are widely spread to Europe. At this time the role has begun to distinguish between a medical herbalist with occurred in 1240 when Emperor Frederick II of Rome perform the separation. Issued edicts on the separation masing2 mention that scientists have conviction, ethical standards, knowledge, and skills of their own that is different from other sciences. With the release of the emperor's edict, then start a new history of the development of the pharmaceutical sciences as a stand-alone science. Under these conditions, the epitome of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences contrast. Pharmaceutical Sciences snake wrapped around the cup the emblem of medicine while the snake wrapped around the stick.

The development of the pharmaceutical sciences and then spread throughout most of the world. Start the United Kingdom, United States, and Western Europe. College of Pharmacy were first established in Philadelphia, USA in 1821 (the school now called the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science). After that, start a new era of pharmaceutical sciences with the emergence of high schools and universities fakultas2.

The role of professional or scholarly organizations also determined the development of the pharmaceutical sciences. Nowadays a lot of pharmacist organizations both nationally and internationally. In the UK, the first professional organization established in 1841 under the name "The Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain". Meanwhile, in the United States after 11 years later under the name "American Pharmaceutical Association". Finally international organization founded in 1910 under the name "International Pharmaceutical Federation".

The history of the modern pharmaceutical industry began in 1897 when Felix Hoffman found a way to add two extra atoms of carbon and five carbon atoms and five extra extra hydrogen atoms to adlam quintessence willow bark. The result of this discovery known as Aspirin, which eventually led to the birth of the modern pharmaceutical industry companies in the world, namely Bayer. Furthermore, development (R & D) after World War I. Later, during World War II, the experts are trying to find drugs in bulk, such as tuberculosis drugs, steroids hormaon, and contraception as well as antipsychotics.

Since then, the world of pharmaceuticals continues to grow, supported by the discoveries in other fields, such as the use of biotechnology. Pharmacy schools currently found almost all over the world. Mecca of the development of science, if bolehh we call, indeed the United States and Germany (because that's where the first drug industry standing).

How to pharmaceutical development in Indonesia? Pharmaceutical development arguably begins when the founding of quinine factory in Bandung in 1896 Then, keep going until around 1950 in which the government imported finished pharmaceutical products to Indoneisa. Local companies are springing up, there were Kimia Farma, Indofarma, Biofarma, and others. In education alone, high school or pharmacy school also opened in various cities.


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